carrie bradshaw

Carolyn Busa

A Very Brief (Silly) History of My Sex Project by Carolyn Busa

One night as I laid in bed trying not to look at my phone, I thought about how I am a few months away from turning 33. I thought about how I was happily (I swear!) single and I thought about my apartment where I lived alone in New York. Well, Brooklyn but shush. I thought about my big, uneven closets filled with Payless shoes that make my heels bleed. And of course, I thought about my increasing interest in sex. Doing it, writing about it, talking about it. I smiled a dumb smile and thought, ‘Am I a discount Carrie Bradshaw?’

You right now: “Bitch. Did you really just compare yourself to Carrie ‘who gives a sh*t, this ain’t the aughts’ Bradshaw?” Maybe I did and maybe hear me out.

I was 13 at the start of Sex and the City. I didn’t have cable or a clue. I never even had a tongue in my mouth. Carrie who? But over the years, and as a direct result of tv syndication, I’ve definitely ‘accidentally’ watched the entire series. Now 32, living alone in New York, a writer of sorts figuring out her own views on love and sex, as dumb as it may be, it was hard not to make the comparison.

As I continued thinking about my alternate universe-Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle, another thing hit me. Carrie Bradshaw. Carolyn Busa. CB. How did I not realize I shared initials with one of New York’s greatest, fictitious sex experts? I broke my ‘no screens in bed’ rule for a quick 1am Google search: How old was Sarah Jessica Parker at the start of Sex and the City? Google revealed to me what I had been suspecting - she was 33. I felt a chill in the air…mainly because the AC was on but! The excitement was real.

I decided then and there: I am starting a sex blog. So what if it’s 2018? Here we are and here is my blog.

Welcome to My Sex Project. Where a single woman in her thirties with CB as her initials, who writes and lives alone in New York and (don’t forget) has big closets writes (with a sense of humor!) about her thoughts on love, her opinions on sex and her adventures with both. Move over CB, CB is in town!