My Sex Project is my attempt to explore and write about sex as much as I can during my 33rd year of life. Some entries may be very honest essays, some entries may be very silly lists, and most will probably be somewhere in between.
Every week I’ll find new ways to shape and sharpen my sexuality through books, events, experiences, conversations, toys, videos, people, questions and (fingers-crossed) sex.
What happens at 34? Well, hopefully a book deal. But if not, at least a better understanding of myself, my sexual interests, and an entire year’s worth of salacious stories and humorous advice. Or humorous stories and salacious advice. I’ll let you decide.
Me. Hi. I’m Carolyn. You may know me from being a comedian or (the more likely scenario) you don’t know me at all. I like doing jokes about sex. I like making my web series about sex. I also love mangoes and Disney World and would be happy to relate them to sex if you’d like.
Here, there, everywhere! I am based in Brooklyn, NY but I think about, write about and ‘do’ sex all over! The human body is a wonderful, travel-friendly thing.
My Sex Project will officially begin on my 33rd birthday, October 29th, 2018. In The Happiness Project (more to come about that later) Gretchen Rubin uses milestone moments as ‘cues for evaluation and reflection’ that ‘often act[s] as a catalyst for positive change’. My 33rd birthday isn’t necessarily a major birthday but why wait?
Also, fun fact, Sarah Jessica Parker was 33 at the start of Sex and the City.
Three reasons (for now):
1) For someone who is obsessed with the intricacies and weirdness surround sex as much as I am, I could benefit from knowing more about my favorite subject. I’ve accepted I’m not going back to school for some degree in psychology, or sex therapy, or bone doctor (spoiler alert: I’m kinda lazy), but attempting to become some sort of unofficial sex expert through my own research, reading and writing gets me very excited.
2) After finding it on the street, (which is sadly how I acquire most of my books) I read Gretchen Rubin’s above-mentioned The Happiness Project. I wasn’t concerned about my levels of happiness but I was inspired by her commitment to the project and the detailed record-keeping of her journey. It made me want to give myself a challenge of my own. I’ve learned over the years, I flounder without deadlines or routine. But blogging weekly for a year, that I can (hopefully) do!
3) And lastly, I’m grateful that for the past few years I’ve become comfortable exploring my sexuality in the bedroom and on stage. But something about writing about sex in this way, on this platform, scares me. It seems much more real than the condensed, heightened stories I tell on stage.
It’s why I love this quote from from American photographer Nan Goldin: Sex isn’t about performance; it’s about a certain kind of communication founded on trust and exposure and vulnerability that can’t be expressed any other way. This is my attempt to push past that fear. Trust that my honesty will be entertaining (and educational!), expose myself in a different way and embrace my vulnerability for those who are unable to express themselves sexually in a way they want and deserve.
And hey, if none of that appeals to you, just laugh.